The Privacy Professional: A Modern Day Renaissance Man
Hollywood writers could not have scripted it better. Merely a month before the implementation date of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May this…
Hollywood writers could not have scripted it better. Merely a month before the implementation date of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May this…
"There are probably as many answers to those question as there are supervisory authorities (SAs), and there are many, notes Omer Tene, vice president and c…
"“The GDPR does not provide meaningful procedural barriers to over-removal,” Daphne Keller at Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society rec…
"As Jennifer King, director of consumer privacy at Stanford University’s Center for Internet and Society, points out, timing is everything. She said it is…
On Friday, the European Union’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) privacy regulation goes into effect. Many articles have been written complaining that…
"“[GDPR] hinges on a robust notion of explaining what exactly goes on with [people’s] information,” said Andrea Matwyshyn, a professor of law and computer…
"Even if Europe persuades other countries to adopt its policies, it will be hard to ensure the laws work, said Omer Tene, a vice president at the Internati…
""Some companies may realize it’s better to just extend GDPR protections to all their customers, period, rather than one one policy for European citiz…
"Northeastern professor Woodrow Hartzog, whose new book, Privacy’s Blueprint, published last month, calls the law a “watershed moment,” saying it’s built o…
"“If you walked up to the average person on the street in the U.S. and ask them about GDPR, they’d probably say, ‘Is that a hockey team?’ ” said Albert Gid…
"The European Union is expected to implement sweeping new data privacy laws in May. Known as the General Data Protection Regulation, they will restrict how…
"The European Union is getting ready to enact sweeping new digital privacy laws. Facebook says it’s going comply. Is what’s good for Europe good for the U.…