Chuck Johnson's Twitter Free Speech Suit Is Probably DOA
""The lawsuit is unlikely to be successful," says Neil Richards, a professor at Washington University Law School, who specializes in First Amendm…
""The lawsuit is unlikely to be successful," says Neil Richards, a professor at Washington University Law School, who specializes in First Amendm…
"But Andrew McLaughlin, the cofounder of Higher Ground Labs, a company that invests in technology to help progressive candidates, believes that platforms s…
"Neil Richards, a law professor at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, compared social networks to town squares of centuries past — an analog…
"“Historically, the place you went to exercise your speech rights was the public square. Now the equivalent is Twitter and YouTube and Facebook,” said Daph…
"“Expanding the Periphery and Threatening the Core: The Ascendant Libertarian Speech Tradition” is the title of a forthcoming article in the Stanford Law R…
"“Social media companies need to think very carefully about what next steps they’re going to take,” said Malkia Cyril, executive director for the Center fo…
"“The anonymous account holder is safe, for now,” said Jennifer Granick, the director of civil liberties at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society. “…
"“It seems like the government lied to Twitter about why it wanted the information,” says Jennifer Granick, Director of Civil Liberties at the Stanford Cen…
"Jennifer Granick, the director of civil liberties at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, called the government’s behavior “craven” and described…
"“That’s of importance to anyone who uses the internet and digital products and services,” says Neil Richards, a Washington University law professor who sp…
Abstract Though scholars have identified the expanding scope of First Amendment speech doctrine, little attention has been paid to the theoretical transformati…
The 2016 election has put squarely on the public agenda a series of questions related to the norms of social media, everything from the proliferation of fake ne…