Podcast: Access Denied
Journalists are supposed to serve as “watchdogs” on the government. But how do they get access to the information they need to do that? In this episode, we talk…
Journalists are supposed to serve as “watchdogs” on the government. But how do they get access to the information they need to do that? In this episode, we talk…
"If BuzzFeed reporters are having trouble getting records, they can turn to Nabiha Syed, the company's assistant general counsel. She often handles the…
"BuzzFeed, which has also quietly ramped up its FOIA work, plans to get even more aggressive in the face of the record number of government denials, BuzzFe…
"But David Levine, a law professor at Elon University, said that while the court ruled the office can be exempted, it does not have to be. “The administra…
It is now received wisdom that a properly functioning democracy requires transparency and accountability — information shared with the public that allows the pu…
According to National Journal's Technology Daily: The House Oversight and Government Reform Information Policy Subcommittee on Tuesday approved legislation…
This morning I came across Stacy Cowley's article GPL 3: An Open Source Earthquake?. As a member of OGC Consortium, the group responsible for developing ge…
In April of 2006, Wired News editor Kevin Poulsen sued the United States Customs and Border Patrol under the Freedom of Information Act. Poulsen won the case, a…
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) includes a fee-shifting provision to incentivize private individuals to bring FOIA compliance actions. An award of fees is…
We Filed our Motion for attorney's fees in the Poulsen FOIA case. FOIA includes a fee-shifting provision to encourage people to litigate to defend their rig…