Stale Cookies: How companies are tracking you online today
"“There’s a Whac-A-Mole game that’s started in earnest,” said Aleecia McDonald, director of privacy at Stanford’s Center for Internet & Society."…
"“There’s a Whac-A-Mole game that’s started in earnest,” said Aleecia McDonald, director of privacy at Stanford’s Center for Internet & Society."…
Overview about the Cookie Clearinghouse Project with Stanford CIS Director of Privacy Aleecia McDonald.…
"In an interview for this piece, the CCH’s new director, Aleecia McDonald, responded unequivocally, “The Cookie Clearinghouse approach does not block ads.”…
The Stanford Center for Internet and Society, where I am an affiliate scholar, is a thought leader on consumer privacy and a source for potential solutions. Th…
"That master list will be the Cookie Clearinghouse, which will be hosted at Stanford." * Date Published:07/02/2013 * Original Publication:NPR…
"McDonald said today that even if browsers block third-party cookies, companies can still serve online ads that don't rely on data collected across mor…
"The purpose of the Clearinghouse is not to list “every single site on the Internet,” McDonald said. “It’s too hard for people to individually decide which…
""Today Mozilla is committing to work with Aleecia [McDonald of CIS] and the CCH Advisory Board, whose members include Opera Software, to develop the…
"After a period of review, Firefox decided to go ahead with plans to block third-party cookies for its new version of the web browser. The non-profit organ…
""Internet users are starting to understand that their online activities are closely monitored, often by companies they have never heard of before,&qu…
The Center for Internet and Society (CIS) at Stanford Law School launched a new online privacy initiative today called the “Cookie Clearinghouse,” which will em…
"Mozilla and Stanford will support opt-out cookies set by the Digital Advertising Alliance, which operates the ad industry’s Ad Choices privacy program, an…