Crime, live on video: The beast Facebook can’t control
"Daphne Keller, Director of Intermediary Liability at Stanford’s Center for Internet and Society, told Quartz Facebook’s turnaround time was actually quite…
"Daphne Keller, Director of Intermediary Liability at Stanford’s Center for Internet and Society, told Quartz Facebook’s turnaround time was actually quite…
""Half the time it's, 'Oh no, Facebook didn't take something down, and we think that's terrible; they should have taken it down,'…
"In May a court allowed a lawsuit to proceed against Model Mayhem, a network that connects models and photographers, for having failed to warn users that r…
"“There doesn’t seem to be any limit to what can be captured and what can be shared,” said Albert Gidari, director of privacy at Stanford Law School’s Cent…
Greetings from the American Airlines Admiral's Club in Dallas, who among other nice amenities provides public web access. My inbox has this morning's N…