A military prototype smartphone hints at the risks of biometric security
"“Even if the phones are well secured, allowing the vendor to take the data off the device and store it on their servers would be a source of security risk…
"“Even if the phones are well secured, allowing the vendor to take the data off the device and store it on their servers would be a source of security risk…
"Woodrow Hartzog, professor of law and computer science at Northeastern University, agreed, noting the opinion could impact future surveillance and data ru…
Abstract The discriminatory effects that may stem from biometric ID cybersurveillance and other algorithmically-driven screening technologies can be better und…
"First of all, there's the Fourth Amendment, which protects against unlawful search and seizure. The problem is, according to Yana Welinder, a nonresid…
"“Here we have a long history of taking fingerprints off glasses, taking pictures of people and doing facial recognition, taking hair samples. If we’re not…
Hacking of banks and identities is big business. An estimated 17.6 million Americans were subject to identity theft in 2014, mostly through breached bank accoun…
"But these decisions don’t necessarily mean the debate over the Fifth Amendment and fingerprint readers is all wrapped up, says Al Gidari, a technology law…
"I spoke to Geoffrey King, the technology program coordinator at the Committee to Protect Journalists, a group devoted to reducing the danger to reporters…
"In contrast, courts have not forced individuals to reveal the passcodes used to secure their mobile devices.[2] What gives? Albert Gidari, the director of…
"Just because someone might be able to use their ear at checkout doesn’t mean it’s necessarily going to happen anytime soon, though. “Biometrics are tricky…