Stanford CIS

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U.S. v. Auernheimer

Arguing that a defendant’s conviction for website hacking should be overturned because legitimate, highly valuable security and privacy research commonly employ…


Wikimedia v. NSA

Arguing that the information publicly available on the NSA's Upstream program, combined with an understanding of how the Internet works, means plaintiff Wik…


Apple v. FBI

Arguing that if the court should not compel Apple to create software to enable unlocking and search of the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone, it will jeopardize d…


Lang v. Morris

Sarah Morris is a well-known multimedia artist and filmmaker. In 2007, she debuted her "Origami" series, 24 paintings in which she reworked, redesigne…


Associated Press v. Meltwater

Meltwater News ("Meltwater") is a search engine and research tool that allows users to search for and obtain information about news items that have be…


Cariou v. Prince

Photographer Patrick Cariou sued artist Richard Prince for copyright infringement on the basis of Prince’s use, in works of collage art, of images of Rastafaria…


Golan v. Holder

The FUP filed this suit on behalf of a University of Denver conductor and others, challenging Congress’s restoration of copyright to works that had entered the…


Sony v. Tenenbaum

Joel Tenenbaum was a college student sued by a group of major record labels in its litigation campaign against file-sharers.  Tenenbaum was found liable for inf…