Stanford CIS

Intermediary Liability Fellow

The Stanford Law School Center for Internet & Society seeks a full-time Intermediary Liability Fellow with experience and interest in the intersection of laws governing Internet platforms, speech regulation, and constitutional or human rights frameworks.

Intermediary Liability laws set the rules of the road at a unique juncture of state and private power. Influence flows both ways - from states to private platforms, and the reverse. Powerful platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube may aid dissidents against oppressive states on the one hand, and disrupt public processes including elections in democratic states on the other. State pressure or regulation of platforms can protect the public interest and Internet users’ rights -- or may enable states to bypass constitutional limits and engage in “censorship by proxy.” Both the state and private exercises of power have serious consequences for the rights of Internet users and for the future of the Internet.

Intermediary Liability provides the intellectual and legal tools to navigate this complex relationship -- and to shape its future. Tools to protect Internet users’ rights include procedural mechanisms like those in the Manila Principles, and constitutional or human rights frameworks. The Intermediary Liability Fellow will develop robust analysis and policy recommendations in this area, and shepherd existing work including CIS’s renowned World Intermediary Liability Map project, which tracks developments around the world. They will work with, and under the supervision of, CIS’s Director of Intermediary Liability, Daphne Keller. Academic interests and excellence are a must for the position, but the primary focus will be on impact-oriented work supporting rights-protective Intermediary Liability laws and practices. Applicants should describe one or more projects they would propose to support this goal.

Duties include:


The position is based at Stanford Law School. It is initially for eighteen months. The salary is competitive, commensurate with experience, and includes comprehensive Stanford University benefits. Working on the Stanford campu is not required, we are open to international candidates. Visa assistance provided if the candidate is planning work in the US.

Application Deadline: June 2, 2018

Application Instructions:

1) To apply, please e-mail a cover letter, a CV, list of three references, and three writing samples, all in PDF format, to
2) Applicants MUST also apply online via the Stanford Careers website at: