Stanford CIS

Brad Biddle

Brad's research  with the Center for Internet and Society focuses on the economic value of a particular component of copyright fair use.  His goal is to develop an economic model to quantify the value associated with "flexible" copyright (copyright regimes that permit personal use copying) and to then use that economic model to estimate potential opportunity costs associated with "maximalist" copyright (copyright regimes that restrict such copies).  His expectation is that the research will demonstrate that flexible copyright regimes provide net economic benefits over maximalist regimes, in addition to providing non-economic social and political benefits.

In addition to his fellowship with Stanford CIS, Brad is also affiliated with Arizona State University School of Law's Center for the Study of Law, Science and Technology, where he is a Research Fellow.  Brad's work at ASU focuses both on the economics of copyright and, separately, on public policy issues related to biofuels.  He is co-leading a project called the Desert Biofuels Initiative.

During the Spring semester of 2008 Brad is on sabbatical from Intel Corporation, where he is the lead attorney for Intel's Systems Technology Lab.  Brad leads Intel's involvement with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and is involved with a wide variety of copyright policy and open source issues for Intel.  Brad's work with Stanford and ASU reflects his own personal interests and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Intel.