Stanford CIS

Andrés Felipe Umaña Chaux

Andres F Umana (Andrés Felipe Umaña Chaux) is an associate attorney at Brigard & Urrutia, one of the leading law firms in Colombia.  He works in the Telecommunications, Media and Technology practice, where he specializes in information technologies.  He is also a lecturer in law and technology matters at Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Bogota, his alma mater.  Andres is a lawyer in Colombia since 2000.  He graduated from Stanford's LLM program in Law, Science & Technology in 2006.  He is a member of GECTI, the research group on Internet, telecommunications and electronic commerce of Universidad de los Andes, also in Bogota, and he is one of the project leaders of Creative Commons Colombia.

Andres' research interests include commons theory, intellectual property in developing countries, electronic commerce and technology and society.  He is also very interested in moral philosophy and social history.