Robert Gehring, Trusted Computing for Digital Rights Management, Indicare Monitor 2(12), February 2006.…
Robert Gehring, Trusted Computing for Digital Rights Management, Indicare Monitor 2(12), February 2006.…
In the latest Indicare monitor, several articles on policy-related aspects of TC have been published. See here (on TC and DRM), here (on OpenTC), here (on DRM…
Xinwen Zhang et al., Enhancing Data Authenticity and Integrity in P2P Systems, IEEE Internet Computing, November/December 2005, pp. 42-49.…
TCG Best Practices Committee, Design, Implementation, and Usage Principles, Version 2.0, December 2005.…
In December 2005, the TCG published an updated version of its Best Practices document. It is available here.…
On March 7, I gave talk on trusted computing at the Berkman Center at Harvard Law School. An audio recording is available here. It is also available on iTunes.…
Vivek Haldar has recently started a blog with some interesting postings on P2P and TC, Seth's owner override proposal, and my questions concerning semantic…
Vivek Haldar (of UC Irvine).…
Jesus Molina (of Fujitsu Labs)…
Seth Schoen (from the EFF) (occasionally).…
Unlimited Freedom (anonymous blogger) (hasn't posted for a while).…
For those of you who understand German, I have written an article (in German) on legal and policy problems of trusted computing. It is available online here. It…