Broadband in America: A Policy of Neglect is Not Benign
With a change in administration, this is a key moment in policymaking with respect to broadband in America. The market fundamentalists, whose liassez faire poli…
With a change in administration, this is a key moment in policymaking with respect to broadband in America. The market fundamentalists, whose liassez faire poli…
Proposal to serve those without braodband available by using stimulus funding to deploy middle mile fiber and provision the first mile with cutting edge wireles…
A revised version of the analysis of consumer and artist benefits from digital production and distribution of music. digitalmusicarticlecirculation.pdf…
Record oil comany profits redistribute wealth from consumers to stockholdres Oil Companies Redistributing Wealth.pdf…
An analysis of the benfits to Florida of adopting the California Clean Cars Emission Standards. FloridaCleanCarsfiling.pdf…
Evaluating the contribution of expanded drilling, Fuel Economy, Conservation and Alternatives in 2010-2030 period Analysis of Policies to Meet America's Ee…
A quick look at the winners from drilling in pristine areas. A Boom for Big Oil, a Bust for Consumers.pdf…
Journal on Law and High Technology (2006) - The Political Economy of Collaborative Production in the Digital Information Age From Wifi to Wikis and Open Sourc…
Consumer group comments in the FCC's Broadband Practices Notice of Inquiry demonstrate the failure of the current reliance on a cozy, Telco-Cable duopoly to…
Less than a decade after the advent of file sharing, sales figures indicate that the recording industry sold more singles than albums and unsigned artists sold…
Book review: Schulze, Jan-Andres, Der Irak-Krieg 2003 im Lichte der Wiederkehr des gerechten Krieges (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2005), in: RECHTSTHEORIE Vol…
Verwaltungsreform in Rheinland-Pfalz. Ein Beitrag zur Debatte um die Zukunft der VerbandsgeÂmeindeverfassung. Gemeinde- und Städtebund Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz…