Stanford CIS
Joshua Auriemma

Joshua Auriemma

Joshua Auriemma is a rising 3L at the Penn State University Dickinson School of Law.  Much of his academic work has focused upon intellectual property, including a forthcoming Comment entitled, "Virtually Unconscionable: How the Video Game Industry is Slowly Stripping Away Your Rights through Licensing Agreements."

Joshua is the Admissions Editor of the Penn State Law Review, an appointed  member of the Student Bar Association's Mock Trial and Technology Committees, and the Vice-President of the Intellectual Property Law Society.  Last year, he externed at McQuaide Blasko and the Penn State Tech Transfer Office and primarily performed patent litigation support.

Prior to law school, Joshua obtained a BS in Physics from the University of Massachusetts while working as a radar data algorithm developer for the US government.  Joshua also enjoyed internships with Fermilab and CERN (through Columbia University) during his undergraduate summers.

In his spare time, Joshua is an active participant in social media and the blogosphere.  He runs a law blog called Legal Geekery geared primarily towards law students and those interested in law school.  He also runs a personal blog focused on helping bloggers learn to increase web traffic to their website.

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