Stanford CIS
Henry Lien

Henry Lien

Henry Lien is a second-year law student at Stanford Law School.  He is currently enrolled in the Cyberlaw Clinic and is a Student Fellow at the Center for Internet and Society.

Henry majored in Computer Science at Yale University and spent two years prior to law school working for the startup company Coremetrics.  In the summer of 2006, he worked as a legal intern at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

    Recent articles


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    When Dolphins Fight Back

    The RIAA once infamously likened it's campaign of lawsuits against individual filesharers, which has included suits against clearly innocent grandparents, p…


    DMCA Safeharbor Faces $1 Billion Test

    It's finally happened.  Viacom has sued Google for $1 billion in damages for copyright infringement over videos posted on YouTube.  This case will be a grea…


    Free Speech 2.0?

    The Washington Post ran a story yesterday about postings on the website AutoAdmit, which calls itself "the most prestigious law school admissions discussio…