Stanford CIS
Ben Depoorter

Ben Depoorter

Affiliate Scholar

Ben Depoorter is a Professor of Law and Roger Traynor Research Chair at the University of California, Hastings. He is a graduate of Yale Law School (L.L.M., J.S.D.) and also holds a J.D. (1999) and PhD (2003) from Ghent University and a Master's degree from the University of Hamburg (2001). He completed his studies at Yale Law School (2003) on a full scholarship from the Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF). As an Oscar Cox Fellow at Yale, Depoorter conducted research as a John M. Olin Fellow in Law, Economics, and Public Policy. He was a Santander Research Fellow at U.C. Berkeley and a recipient of a Fulbright scholarship.

Professor Depoorter's scholarly interests include property law, litigation theory, and copyright law, with an emphasis on behavioral research and issues involving new technologies. His recent and forthcoming articles include Judicial Deference as a Litigation Opportunity, Columbia Law Review (2013, forthcoming); "Copyright Backlash", 84 University of Southern California Law Review 1251 (2011); Fair Trespass", 111 Columbia Law Review 1090, (2011); "Law in the Shadow Bargaining: The Feedback Effect of Civil Settlements", 95 Cornell Law Review 957 (2010); "Technology & Uncertainty: The Shaping Effect on Copyright Law", 157 the University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1830 (2010).

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