ACLU of Northern California Launches dotRights

The ACLU of Northern California has officially launched dotRights, a comprehensive set of materials and tools to learn about, and act upon, privacy and free speech on the Internet. Complete with an interactive village covering topics from cloud computing to e-book privacy, this website and campaign represent a game-changing resource for anyone (company, activist, regulator, or consumer) who cares about privacy and free speech on the Internet. Congratulations and great work!

PS: You can follow the campaign on Facebook and Twitter.


It seems that as technology advances our privacy and security becomes more expensive to protect. Yet without technology we become stagnate as a society and nation. Educating ourselves in how this technology works will keep those that wish to exploit this information to a minimum.

Great site featuring some information that is vital for everyone to know. It's crazy how tracking cookies "watch" every move and search you make online. All our information is getting sold to companies who utilize our history in order to form marketing campaigns. We need our privacy back!

The link is working now SGD maybe it was just broken for a minute. I didn't have time to look through it was just checking to see that the link worked.

I need to look into it a bit but it sounds like a resource that will come in handy in the future. I worry about the internet staying free for all to use.

Thanks for this info. I am a strong proponent of protecting free speech on the internet. I will definitely be using this site and also tweeting about it to help spread the word!
Best,Marcus Maybourne, Psychotherapist

Cool! I'm following this on Twitter!

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