
Grokster, Brand X :(

I have not yet completed reading through today's two Supreme Court opinions (over 100 pages, and I'm a fairly slow reader...) but what I have read so far is disappointing. While there's no way to accurately predict how great the impact will be on the number of copyright lawsuits filed (EFF says the opinion "will fuel a new generation of entertainment industry lawsuits against technology companies"), I think it's fair to say that technology makers will now face even greater uncertainty and risks in the copyright field. Read more about Grokster, Brand X :(

Broadcast flag

In response to the EFF and Public Knowledge action alerts this week regarding the Broadcast Flag issue, I emailed Senator Feinstein my concerns. Her response email, received today is posted below. If you have comments please write!

June 24, 2005

Dear Ms. Vogele:

Thank you for writing to me about the digital broadcast
flag. I appreciate hearing from you.

Orphan Works Roundtables

The Copyright Office announced today that it will be holding roundtable discussions about the Orphan Works issues. Here are the details from the announcement:


The Copyright Office will hold public roundtable discussions regarding orphan works later this summer. The cities and dates for the discussions are as follows:

Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Linda Stone rocks!

I loved Linda Stone’s presentation at Supernova 2005 about “Continuous Partial Attention” – focusing on how we will manage all the incoming information (from our phones, computers, cars, websites, refrigerators, etc.) so that we’re not miserable.

She described one company in the UK that holds “Email free Fridays” in an attempt to make people talk to each other in person, to give them a break from all the typing, pointing, clicking, and routing. Read more about Linda Stone rocks!

Supernova 2005, microformats & blogging best practices

I have been attending Supernova 2005 in SF this week and it’s been, in a word, connected. That’s the theme of the conference, but it’s also amazing for me to see how people are so connected and unconnected simultaneously. For example, at times the audience seems superficially unconnected to what the panelists are saying in their live presentations but extremely connected to what people are saying in the back channel: on instant messaging, the internet relay chat, blogs, etc... Read more about Supernova 2005, microformats & blogging best practices

Comments on the TCG Best Practices Committee Document

Recently, the Best Practices Committee of the TCG published a document entitled "Design, Implementation, and Usage Principles for TPM-Based Platforms". The document, which had been in the pipeline for numerous months, is a major contribution of TCG to the policy debate. In my opinion, TCG should be applauded for the document. Read more about Comments on the TCG Best Practices Committee Document


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